CBS Sports Network

Super Bowl Marketing Activation

Just like the Carnival krewes that have created the Big Easy’s world-renowned Mardi Gras parades, Ragusa created the Krewe of CBS Sports Network for the network’s marketing activation in New Orleans during Super Bowl XLVII. Complete with a brass band, banners, and throws of merchandise, the Krewe brought the party (and the CBS brand) everywhere it went as it strategically maneuvered through the streets of the French Quarter for four full days.

The Krewe was recognized as the most unique marketing activation during the 2013 Super Bowl. Its massive impact was shown by the thousands of fans who joined the Krewe’s second line. Ragusa also implemented a tablet software that placed photos of fans with the Krewe on the CBS broadcast set virtually. The program went viral, generating thousands of page views during the weekend’s festivities.


Startup Fund


Mardi Gras World & Kern Studios